The Most Wonderful Time…

Happy first day of Christmas!

With Halloween over, we are ready to officially kick off this years Holiday season.

The decorations and seasons greetings have many people in the most joyous of moods for a couple months at a time, but what some may not know is that this time of the year can also be the hardest time for those who have suffered a loss of a loved one.

The holidays are supposed to be a time for family to come together, grow closer and carry out traditions. Big dinners and Christmas cards, or even baking and delivering gifts. Each of these happy memories can be the most difficult things to stomach for those missing a piece of their heart.

Not that they’ve got a whole heart the rest of the year, just that these times, surrounded by the ones they love, they’re more aware of the ones they love who can’t be there too.

Last night, while many enjoyed the costume festivities and seeing the little ones go door to door, I couldn’t help but let my mind wander to what my boys could have been up to this Halloween…

They’d be little walkers now, toddling all over. Maybe even speaking a few words here and there, and appropriately squealing, “candy” now and again. As a matched set we could have had so much fun with family costumes. But none of the neighbors would actually see the cuteness they were dressed up as since they’d both be layered in jackets and hats to fend off the cold. The night would most likely end in a mass of sticky limbs being wrestled into a bath before bedtime.

We’d have gotten the typical comments from those handing out the candy…

“Oh my, you two must be a handful,” or “What ADORABLE boys,”

“Little troublemakers…”

And we would have nodded knowingly, having heard these things time and time again.

Of course we enjoy the holiday season along with everyone, but may this be a gentle reminder to those blessed to have their children, and every other family member, with them in these next months… And maybe you can be a little more understanding to the “party poopers,” or other gloomy looking people this season.

Published by lynzeef

Angel mom, making lemonade out of life.

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