Such Is Life

Why? … It’s one of the most often occurring questions I ask myself these days. -Why? I could be asking why me, why this, why now… I wonder about a lot of things… In addition to “why,” I often wonder, “what if?” What if things had been different… What if I could go back and …

The Tiniest of Babes

In general, I try not to be political online. Not that I don’t have opinions, because I do, but because on the internet these days, posting something political seems to be an invitation for argument, disrespect or even harassment. Everyone believes they’re entitled to their opinion and the world is all about “accepting differences,” except …

Remembering; “The News”-

I’ve decided to post my old blog’s pregnancy update posts on this blog as a series… I will repost them here, word for word from my personal blog, “Life with the Febbos.” I hope re-visiting my last years life will help me in healing and maybe let those of you who didn’t know every bit …

7 things this Angel mama wants you to know…

After experiencing a loss, any loss, it can be hard to imagine how your days will go on. With such a big part of your life gone, there is adjusting you have to make to continue living with a hole where your love for them used to be. But somehow we manage to make it …