Jack… or Jill?.. of all trades

img_0018In my “about” paragraph on my home page, I sort of mention how I don’t exactly have a narrow field of topic for this blog. And that I will be posting something (whether that be parenting, crafting, baking or ranting) every week. Well, this week I will explain that. At least a little.

I don’t see it as alarming that some people can’t pin down one “thing” to do or be for their entire lives. Personally, I could never choose just one thing- which is why I’ve been having such a hard time deciding on a major in school. I like doing lots of things. I love dancing (my current major,) and singing (one of my past majors,) and writing (one of my future majors?) I like to cook and bake, I love reading, crafting, decorating, and talking. And most especially, even though I’ve only got a taste of it, I LOVE being a mom. I can imagine myself blogging about any one of those subjects and enjoying it. Trying to decide just to do one or another just didn’t work for me. So here I am blogging about all of them.

I like the freedom this blog allows me to decide what I want to talk about according to whatever I did that week. Goodness knows, I make dinners every week. But it’s not going to be a fancy recipe worth sharing every week, so on those weeks I will just tell you about something else. Maybe some life-hacks I’ve encountered in the week (remind me sometime to tell you about blood and hydrogen peroxide… saved my postpartum/period bloody messes.) Or maybe one week I don’t feel like I’ve done any baking, crafting or decorating worth talking about, so instead I will just blog about my relationship with my hubby and what I’ve learned that week, there’s always something.

I mean, I’ve been blogging on my personal blog pretty regularly this whole year, and when my last post got over 2,000 views in a day I thought having a “real” blog would be a good idea. And with the Holiday season coming up, I will have plenty of ideas, crafts, and confections to share with everyone. So this is the perfect time to start my “real” blog. I’d love to eventually have enough content and at least a few followers to do blogging as my stay-at-home-mommy work, because I’d always rather be at home with my babies trying fun recipes for my family and sharing my parenting insights with you.

Published by lynzeef

Angel mom, making lemonade out of life.

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  1. Well thankfully we get to be a lot of things in our lives. But I think a part of school should be to train ourselves to be able to do something that can support our families. Something that although we may not prefer to do it over more exciting things at least someone will pay us to do it.

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